I am an introvert, therefore the number of words that come out of my mouth are considerably disproportionate to the number of words that never leave my head. There are so many things that I think, but that I (hallelujah!) have enough sense and filter to keep within the safe confines of my brain.
As a result, I have a tendency to save memes that I run across that so accurately convey my unspoken sentiments about things. I thought it would be fun to share some with you.
One would think that kids would grow out of the messy phase once they became young adults... Not necessarily.
I know I've used this one before in a post, but it still rings true. The district where I work needs to provide an "Email Etiquette" professional development course. It could very well save someone's life one day.
If you haven't seen this little advertising gem, click here. You'll know exactly what I'm talking about.
Amen! I admit, I like guys with long hair, but this burly beard trend that is currently fashionable... bleh!
This is soooo me right now!
Amen! This is my current daily struggle. It's just vile to get up at oh-dark-thirty...
Have a great Monday! Thanks for stopping by!