Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Dear... (Humpday Confessions Vol. 13)

These are sort of confessions...  They are things that I'd like to say, maybe should have said, and maybe one day will. 

Dear Perimenopause,

I've got news for you, biatch, you've chosen the wrong gal!  I know menopause is inevitable, but I'm too young for your shenanigans!  I'm too young for hot flashes and all of your other havoc reeking BS.  Get ready for a fight, because I'm not gonna white knuckle it through this! #hormonestotherescue


Dear Coffee Lover and Facebook Friend,

I get it, trust me, we all get it.  You LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your coffee.  Your devotion to the hot, caffeinated brew is well established.  Must you continue to post about your love of coffee every single day?  No one is disputing your devotion.  Can't you post about something else? 


Dear Young Adult,

Life has smacked you down, there's no doubt about it.  But, you are learning a valuable lesson that you have been very slow to learn up until this point.  Yes, you are an adult and you are free to make your own choices.  You are not free, however, from the consequences that are a result of those choices.  This is a simple fact of life.  It is time for you to grow up, take some responsibility, and find a new path for your life because the path you've been on obviously isn't working. 


Dear Local Radio Station,

It really irks me when you refer to Jon Bon Jovi's song "Blaze of Glory" as a Bon Jovi song and play it during your random classic blocks with Bon Jovi songs.  "Blaze of Glory" is one of Jon's songs from his solo career, it's not a song by the band.  #getwiththeprogram


Dear Fellow District Employees Who Notoriously Use the "Reply All" Feature,

I simply cannot fathom, that in the year 2016, 44 years after the invention of email, that you guys cannot grasp the vital difference between "Reply" and "Reply All."  I think it's great that you want to congratulate someone on their new baby, but the rest of us that received the initial announcement doesn't need to read it.  I also think it's very responsible and proactive of you to want a flu shot, but you don't have to share that with every single county employee who received the flu shot email from the nurse. This madness has to stop, people!  You're cluttering up my inbox and working my nerves.

I am including a handy flowchart that should help you determine when to use "Reply" and when to use "Reply All."  #learnitknowitliveit




Do you have anything to confess today?  As always, thanks for stopping by! 

Linking up with:


  1. People are fascinating, aren't they!?! It's so interesting how different folks approach life . . . and what makes total sense to one person is such a stretch for someone else! And seriously on the reply to all function - get a clue. Has email really been around for 44 years though? wow, time flies! I'm getting old!!! Have a great day!

    1. Yes, according to the internet, and you know how everything online must be true (LOL!), email was first invented in 1972. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, but I can't take credit for it. Underneath the flowchart is the link to where I found it.

  3. Facebook...hate it. Use it but still hate it. I have one "friend" who literally types "Good morning!" every. single. morning. and "Good night, everyone!" every. single. night. It drives me insane. I unfollowed him, of course.

    Reply all makes me stabby.

    1. I know, I have a love/hate relationship with FB. I have since hidden my Latte Obsessed friend from my feed.

  4. perimenopause - ain't nobody got time fo' dat. i've managed to lessen the symptoms through acupuncture/natural chinese herbs and i haven't had hot flashes in a while (thank god!)

    1. Exactly! Ain't nobody got time for dat! ;) Thanks for stopping by!

  5. yes to the reply all! i can't stand when people reply all to like birthdya or baby congratulations, but then they don't use it when they are supposed to. so annoying. also. yes to the coffee people. i don't drink coffee so maybe that's why, but yes i get it. you can't function without coffee. good for you. i figured that out the first time you posted about it, and the 7th and the 27th and the millionth SO STOP

  6. 1. TMI
    4. It doesn't surprise me at all that you would be the local Bon Jovi expert.
    5. You live in Kentucky. How many county employees can there be? :)
    5b. Cool flow chart. Did you make it yourself? If so, how long did it take you? If not, how long did it take you to find it?
    6. Why doesn't the guy have long hair, per your stated preference?

    1. 1) Just keepin' it real, E Man, just keepin' it real. 4) Thank you. ;) 5) In the school system where I work, there are at least 1000 employees. 5b) The flow chart is cool, isn't it? No, I didn't make it. My low tolerance of reply all users is well known. A friend of my mine sent me the link to it. Click on "source" under it and it will direct you to the website. 6) I'm just using the link button provided by the girls who host the Humpday Confessions linkup. I didn't create it. If I did, I'd use a picture of Clay Matthews. ;) (PS I'm very surprised that you remember that, E Man...)

  7. All of these had me giggling. Did I tell you that my husband suggested I talk to my doctor about early menopause symptoms? Asshole ;)

    1. Oh, no! LOL! Yeah, now when I'm not in a good mood for whatever reason or perhaps more emotional than normal, I have to preface it with, "And this has nothing to do with peri-menopause! I have every right to feel *however*, so don't blame it on the hormones" to my husband. This peri-menopause thing is gonna be FUN... HA!

  8. To me, it's not the "reply all", it's the "please just stop emailing me". I'm just mentally spent from scanning/skimming emails I shouldn't have to get.

    1. LOL! Hilarious! I understand that feeling, too. There are co-workers or other county employees whose emails I WISH I could block, but our email system won't allow it... Every time I see an email from certain ppl, I think, "LEAVE ME ALONE!"
