Monday, October 3, 2016

Memes That Say EXACTLY What I'm Thinking (Vol. 7)




I so totally did this as a kid.


This has happened to Rascal one more than one occasion.







Hoping Monday treats you kindly!  As always, thanks for stopping by!


  1. "Happy" Monday, indeed.
    The dog one is so true. I bought a bed like that once and they destroyed in it ONE day. I might as well have ripped two $20 bills in half and thrown them away.

  2. hahahahahahah the phone. oh, kids these days will never know the struggle of trying to have a private conversation in an open area while you down behind the wall in a ball whispering into the phone.

  3. Haha the pumpkin one - totally me.

    I was just talking about phones with my husband the other day, remembering when I was a kid and I thought it was SO FREAKING COOL that our neighbors had a cordless phone and could stand ON THEIR PORCH to talk on the phone!!

  4. Very relatable post! Especially that pumpkin decor one. My idea never ends up my reality. Pinterest is a LIE! Also loving that last one. Gotta remind myself of it more often :)


  5. LOL, I've never had a phone that was attached to a wall. Ours just sat on a table. I do still have a landline and the display is broken so I actually have to pick it up without seeing who's calling.

    Never mind Friday... I'm sure it was only AUGUST five minutes ago!

  6. these posts of yours always make me laugh. the tupperware one is so true except mine come back as containers, i am missing lids. so rude!
