Thursday, May 4, 2017

Currently... (Vol. 16)

Attending...  Thurby with my two speech path buddies, Ka and H!  What is Thurby, you ask?  It is a day of racing at Churchill Downs on the Thursday before the Kentucky Derby.  Thursday + Derby = Thurby

Wishing...  that the weather would be more cooperative today.  There's a 100% chance of rain today.  Sigh... 

Thanking...  my co-worker, walking buddy, friend, and crafting genius, Ci, for helping me add a pop of color to my recycled fascinator (even though I won't be wearing it to Churchill Downs today because of the rain).

Rejoicing...  that the Blogging A to Z Challenge is over!  It was a good experience, but I'm ready to get back to a normal blogging routine with less publishing frequency.

Wishing...  a friend of mine Bon Voyage and Happy Cruising!  Have a fabulous time, S!

Keeping...  my travel envy in check.  Sadly, there are no vacations on my horizon.

Counting...  down the days until the end of the school year. 

Reading (well, listening to)... the audiobook The City by Dean Koontz.  It's my first book by the author.  So far, the jury is still out...

Walking...  a lot more than I normally do because of the step challenge I'm participating in at work.

Confessing...  that I am a challenge junkie.

Renewing...  my season subscription to the Broadway Across America.  It looks to be a great season!

Drowning...  in end of the year paperwork.  'Tis the season.

Planning...  several outdoor adventures for this summer - hiking, ziplining, and whitewater rafting.

Watching...  Thirteen Reasons Why on Netflix.  I read the book about a year ago.  So far, I'm not liking the embellishments and changes that the television series has made.

Trying...  to bust through this weight loss plateau that I've hit.  UGH!

So, what have your been up to lately?

Have a wonderful Thursday!  Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I have read 13 Reasons Why and enjoyed it. I heard the series is really different.

    I like some Dean Koontz books. Others are just... odd. And not the good kind of odd.

    1. The series is VERY different. The basic premise is the same but they have embellished and have added some subplots that, in my opinion, have obscured the message.

      I'm not sure about this Koontz book... It's my first, so I have nothing to compare it to. I'm still trying to figure out the point of it all right now.

  2. Dean Koontz is hit or miss for me.

    I'd love to see Waitress on stage.

    1. Waitress is probably the one I am looking forward to the most.

      So far, I'm not sure what I think about this particular Koontz book. Since it is my first, I really don't have anything to compare it to. It's still rather slow and I'm not sure what the plot is or where it's all going. We shall see...

  3. My mom has season tickets to the theater in town, and we just saw Finding Neverland last week, and it's so good! I hope that you get to renew your season tickets!

    1. I am happy to hear that you thought so highly of Finding Neverland. I am not that familiar with it, so I really didn't/don't know what to expect. And, yes, the seasons are renewed!

  4. What a great lineup of shows! I just reserved my tickets for the Broadway shows coming to my area :)

    1. Yes, I was rather impressed with the shows. It will be one of the first seasons in which all of the shows will be new to me! What shows are coming to your area?

  5. Did you like the book? I just finished watching the series and was kind of meh about it, but I liked the concept. Maybe I'll try that next! Thanks for linking up :)

    1. I read the book about a year or two ago. I was very impressed by the book and remember telling my husband that he should read it (because he has a teenage daughter). The world teens live in now is a different dimension from the world that we lived in when my husband and I were teenagers. It was very eye opening. I am almost done with the series and I prefer the book. The series has been Hollywood-ified.

  6. Aren't we ALWAYS counting down the days? :)

    1. Yes.. Sadly we are. Counting down the days until something... the weekend, Christmas break, summer...

  7. i don't remember the book well enough but my friend has watched the show and keeps saying things and i'm like, i'm not sure if i don't remember that because i don't remember specifics, or because it wasn't in the book. lol. i'm not sure if i will watch the show, i had mixed feelings about the book.
    i am not doing anything derby related this year! thurby would have been fun. the weather is awful though, not gonna lie, enjoying staying in!

    1. Thurby was fun, despite the weather. It's incredible how bigger Thurby gets each year. This was my third year and each year the crowd gets larger. Thurby is the only thing Derby related that I've done or will be doing.

      My husband and I have 3 more episodes to watch. There are many differences between the book and the show, which I have already decided that I don't like. I was impressed by the book and really thought at the time that it is a book that teens should read, as well as their parents.


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