Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Currently... (Vol. 41)

Enjoying...  waking up without an alarm.

Planning...  a 4-5 day trip in August.  Given that the start of the 2019-20 school year has been pushed back due to numerous weather related delays (rain), I figure I should make the most of the additional time off, especially since I will not get a Fall Break this year.

Singing...  this line from the Creedence Clearwater Revival song:

Tired...  of the persistent rain that has plagued the Ohio Valley for much of the past year.  A local news station posted these on FB within the last week:

*As of 6/26.  It is now 50 because we had a downpour on Sunday 6/30.

Listening...  to the audiobook Skin Tight by Carl Hiaasen.

Reading...  blogs and online articles about Acadia National Park, backpacks, and one-bag travel.

Watching...  Yellowstone on the Paramount network.

Choosing...  a new paint color for my hallway.

Trying...  to be very conscientious of my usage of single-use plastics this month in honor of Plastic Free July.  I tell ya what, folks, it's a lot harder than it sounds because single-use plastics are all around us and are such a big part of our ordinary daily lives that we often don't give them a second thought.  As I write this, I'm staring at the plastic container my strawberries came in.  I do really well at refusing straws and taking my own re-usable bags to the grocery, but when it comes to containers like this, I'm not sure what to do.  

Celebrating...  my 16th wedding anniversary.

Eager...  to go to West Virginia for a few days to see my family.

Loving...  this:

Laughing and agreeing...  with this:

Cringing...  at the incorrect grammar usage in the above meme...  The Walmart's.  Lord, have mercy!

Recommending...  this:

June in a Snapshot:

1) Puple in the park, Hamilton!, bamboo rafting on the Martha Brae in Jamaica
2) Stingray City (Cayman Islands), starfish beach, exploring Chacchoben
Mayan ruins with R and my folks
3) Love the blue water of the Caribbean, summer's first chicory, dog-sitting

What have you been up to lately?

Linking up with:


  1. I saw all the flash card and workbook displays at Walmart LAST week, so the end of June. It used to be as soon as the 4th was over.

    1. Before I retire, I fully expect to walk into a store a few weeks after school has ended and see school supplies. At that point, I will likely throw up. LOL!

  2. Waking up without an alarm is a precious precious thing.

    Happy 4th!

  3. I am slightly jealous of the back-to-school stuff...buying new school supplies is one of my favorite feelings, bahahaha. Such a nerd. Regarding the plastic uses- do you have a farmer's market or something like that nearby? Sometimes they use reusable containers, or will take your old ones back. I live in a rural area and a local farm offers weekly produce boxes, and they request that we return boxes/etc when we get a new one.

    1. LOL! I do work with some ladies who LOVE back to school shopping. I don't and I really don't like being reminded that my summer is fading away... LOL!

      There are farmer's markets in my area, so that is definitely an option. Will have to look into that. I've just always been a grocery store shopper, so old habits die hard...

  4. We love Acadia. My husband & daughter went camping there a few weeks ago. I've been there many times.

  5. Not setting an alarm feels so good!
    Congratulations on your anniversary!

    1. It does, doesn't it? I love not waking up to an obnoxious alarm.

      Thank you!

  6. Happy Anniversary! I love that quote about just living - so true. I hope you can get a fun trip in before school starts back up. :)


    1. Thank you! It was a good day!

      I do think we are doing to be able to get in a 5 day trip... Just have to finalize some details. YAY!

  7. Somehow I missed the fact that you went on a cruise! That riverboat looks so much fun! I originally wanted to see Mayan ruins in Tulum, Mexico, but I'm kind of worried about getting kidnapped (so many stories recently, kidnapped right from the resorts!) so I'm hoping to go on a Caribbean cruise in December. That stinks that you won't get a fall break... is that because of the rain too? Hope you have a great trip in August, and happy belated anniversary!

    1. Yes, we went around the middle of June. The bamboo raft was a very pleasant, relaxing excursion. I'm glad we chose it. I was very fortunate to see the ruins of Tulum and Chichen Itza back in 2003 before things got sketchy around the Cancun tourist zone. With the county pushing the start of the school year back, we had to take back days from various breaks in the calendar. We lost Fall Break, a couple of days over Christmas Break, and we will go longer next spring. Yes, all because of this crazy rain and all the delays it has caused.

      Thank you!

  8. i tend to wake up the same time every day, but that no alarm thing is SO TRUE. it makes a world of difference, i love it. oh wow i did not know the start of the school year had been pushed back! is it everyone or just your location? bummer about no fall break though :( i am loving following along with everyone's plastic free july things, it has really made me look at my single use plastic as well. i am trying to change my habits but some things are really hard. happy anniversary!

    1. Yes, all of Shelby County has been pushed back. It's a pain in the butt.

      Thank you!

  9. Funny and informative post! I have been up to my usual writing and editing. Plus, cat wrangling and such.


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