Friday, June 3, 2016

10 Things That Made Me Happy This Week (Vol. 23)

Okay, okay... I'm taking a bit of liberty here. Last week was the last week of school for students, so it's fair to say that last week was CRAZY, INSANELY BUSY for me. I had planned to participate in the link last Friday, but as you have probably already deduced, due to factors beyond my control, including exhaustion, I missed it.

1) Hearing tales of my grandpa's 84th birthday party. Although I hate that I couldn't be there, the fact that my beloved grandpa is still alive and doing rather well makes me very happy.

2) Listening to Cary Elwes' audiobook, As You Wish: Inconceivable Tales of the Making of The Princess Bride. Listening to it feels as if the cast of the movie decided to come to house to regale me in their memories and behind the scene moments. 

3)  That the 2015-16 school year is in the books!  AMEN!  I love working with kids, don't get me wrong, but Lord have mercy!  They need a break.  I need a break.  We all need a break.

4) Watching the Indianapolis 500. I'm not a car racing fan by any stretch of the imagination, but watching the Indy 500 has been a tradition for me since I first viewed it live in 1998.

5) On Wednesday, I cleaned out my husband's dresser drawers and his part of the closet. I gathered up 2 trash bags full of clothes that were either 1) out of style, 2) no longer fit him, or 3) simply worn out.

6) Celebrating the retirement of two fellow speech pathologists at work. 

7) Seeing a coworker this week whom I haven't seen in over a month. She is currently battling cancer and has been off on medical leave.

8) Finalizing the last of the details for my Vegas trip in July.

9) Finding a sentimental t-shirt that I've been missing for over a year. (It was in my husband's clothes...)

10) This meme:

Hoping this finds you having had a good week and gearing up for an even better weekend!  As always, thanks for stopping by!

Linking up with:


  1. hahahaha love the solar powered thing, gonna send that to KC. enjoy your break! i have 'as you wish' on my list, i will definitely get the audiobook when i get to it.

    1. Thank you! What age does KC teach? I would DEFINITELY recommend listening to As You Wish!

  2. I love this post! I can't believe I didn't manage to get to your blog during the A to Z Challenge. Can't wait to see more!

  3. 3. New paint job? Or does it just look like it from a distance?
    4. Danica should have been in it.
    5. Hmmm.
    6. How many speech pathologists does one school need?

    Anyway, glad you could come up with ten things.

    1. 3. No idea.
      4. I guess she's moved on to greener pastures.
      5. Hmmm...
      6. One of the ladies worked in my building two mornings a week, covering the preschool class, and the remainder of her time was spent at another school. I don't have enough room on my caseload to cover the preschool class (I can only work with a maximum of 65 kids). The other retiree worked at the preschool center. There are 14 speech pathologists in the county where I work.

      Thank you!

  4. Congrats and cheers to your summer!! Everyone is thrilled school is out, perhaps not the parents but oh well!

    You're so blessed to have your grandpa, and especially so in such good health for his age. I'd give anything to have my grandparents back, especially my mom's mom. She passed in 1999 and was the best person in the world. I'll never forget spending Summer's with her. Thanks for letting me reminisce. :)

    Have a great weekend Ericka! Xo

    1. Thank you! Yes, by now I'm sure some parents are like, "August can't get here fast enough..." And, it will roll around in the blink of an eye, but in the meantime, I plan to savor every single day.

      Yes, I am quite blessed. I had all four of my grandparents up until I was 32. Both my maternal grandparents are still living and going fairly well.

      Hope your weekend has been great!

  5. Enjoy your summer. It was nice to read the collection that made you happy this week. Reminded me of another blog I read yesterday about kindness on this A to Z road trip. It's usually the simple things that make us smile.
    Fran @travelgenee visiting from the A to Z Road Trip, TravelGenee Blog

  6. Having the summer off is a great reason to be happy, along with everything else on your list. Happy Birthday to your grandfather! How great that's he's doing so well at 84. Thanks for playing Battle of the Bands with me at The Doglady's Den. Cheers!


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