Sensory reading memories... where I was, what time of year it was, who I was with, what I was eating, etc.
I listened to much of this audiobook last summer while walking in the park. There's one point in the book when Junior, the main character, says something like, "Naked woman + right hand = Happy, happy, joy, joy!" and I completely lost it! I mean, my brisk walking pace came to a complete stop and I started howling with laughter. I got some very strange looks from other walkers and runners that day.
A few summers back, I was listening to this audiobook while waxing my car in my parents' garage. My stepdad walked in right as Billy was dropping some f-bombs. I quickly scrambled to turn it off and I looked apologetically at Si. When I started to apologize for Billy's language, Si said to me, "Don't worry about it! I may be a preacher, but I'm not a prude."
I re-listened to this audiobook while traveling back from Quebec, Canada on a tour bus three years ago.
I listened to this book while on a cruise which was quite fitting because part of the story takes place on a cruise ship.
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
I remember lying on my mother's uber comfy sofa (that she no longer has) and reading this book on my iPad during one of my spring breaks.
I distinctly remember going to Barnes & Noble to buy this book. It was right before Christmas and the store was decked out with Christmas decorations. I also remember coming home and completely devouring that novel.
What I remember most is telling my then-officemate, Gay, about this book and describing the premise. She laughed her signature hearty laugh and asked to borrow it once I was finished.
Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
I read much of the hardback edition of this book in the summer of 2012 while sitting outside on my parents' deck in southern West Virginia.
What I remember most about this book is lying on our old, blue, leather love seat while reading it and laughing out loud because the book was that funny. I sometimes laughed until tears streamed down my face. Periodically my husband would ask, "You gonna be alright?"
The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks
I read this book while visiting the Outerbanks of North Carolina with my parents. I read it in the car on the way there and while sitting on the pristine beach. I cried and was so thankful that I had sunglasses on to mask my tears because I felt utterly stupid.
How about you? Do you have any sensory reading memories? Feel free to share.
Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.