Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Humpday Confessions (Vol. 8)

I confess:

I am soooo ready for this school year to be over. Not counting today, I have 7 more work days with students left in the school year. Given my current mental and physical state, that’s about 5 days too many. Given the amount of tasks I have to complete between now and the end of the school year, that’s about 7 days too short. #justshootmenow

Springtime in Kentucky is like a church potluck - ANYTHING is possible. Over the weekend we had to turn our heat back on and I've had to break out the jackets again. #MotherNatureYouSuck

Yesterday evening, my hot water heater decided to finally give up the ghost by ceremoniously exploding and shooting water out in a overly dramatic fashion. #reallyjustshootmenow

So, showering last night with no hot water and winter-like temps was fun! I'm sure I looked like I was doing a strange version of the hokey-pokey or something.  You put your left arm in (the shower stream), you take you left arm out. You put your left arm back in (to rinse), and then you shiver all about... #coldbutclean

Speaking of bathrooms, I'm really sick of hearing about the national bathroom crisis that we're having in the United States. #whendidpeeinggetsocomplicated

On that note, I'm off to work.  Happy Humpday!  I leave you with this:

Linking up with:


  1. Yes to being halfway there!! Stinks about your water heater and those Winter temps. This is the first year in a while we've actually had Spring in Florida and it was awesome!

  2. Have you seen the Cinderella video where they're playing electric guitars without a source of electricity?

    1. LOL! I'm sure there were several that fit that criteria. Which one are you referring to?

  3. Your first confession & that meme hit so close to home lol. After today the students have 8.5 more days of school...I'm taking 1.5 of those off ha

    1. Smart lady! Good luck and hang in there! The end is in sight!

  4. Replies
    1. When I bought Poison's first album on cassette, my grandmother looked at the cover with the guys all made up with makeup and with their huge hair and said, "Oh, my... What glamorous ladies they are..." LOL!

  5. My shower has a mixer in the wall, or so we think. I turn the water all the way hot and sometimes it's hot and sometimes it's, well not. But the sick water get's hot enough to boil. It is ridiculous.

    Bathroom issues.

    I'm over this weather we're having. Southern Illinois is a lot like Kentucky. And frankly, I'm ready for summer.

    1. The weather has been March-like here all week. Next week it is supposed to warm up, but it's also supposed to start raining on Wednesday and not stop for a week. Usually by this time in May, I've cleaned off my deck and have already enjoyed sitting outside a lot, but not this year. Have a good one and thank you for stopping by!

  6. You know those last two memes speak to my heart :)

    1. LOL! Yes, I figured if anyone would enjoy them, that person would be you!

  7. seriously with this weather. i am so confused lol. i am ready for summer!
    my husband is counting down the days to school ends as well and i'm always like shut up. some of us have to work year round ;) but i'm totally playing because i would not do his job for a million dollars. (okay maybe a million!).

    1. Yes, this drab dreary weather. I'm over it! I need some sun, I need some warmth, I need some time sitting outside with my dog before it gets too hot and humid to where it's not comfortable to do so.

      My husband does the same to me - when I mention how many days I have left, he'll say something like, "Ah, well... Your summer will fly by and before you know it you'll be back to work." Then I'm the one tell him to shut up! LOL! Does your husband teach high school?

  8. God I loved Poison. And truth be told I loved that awful Bret Michaels dating show too. hahaha

    1. I always enjoyed Poison. I wasn't their biggest fan, but I enjoyed their songs because they were usually fun. Have a good one!

  9. LOL to the 80s meme. That's hilarious!!! Yes, it's quite silly. As for your hot water heater...YIKES! That's when you wish you had a gym membership so you could shower there!

    1. Yes, the hot water heater debacle was a pain in the keister. After we used it on the day it was installed, we discovered a leak, so it we had to turn it off again so repairs could be made the next day. Unfortunately, I had to take yet another cold water Hokey Pokey shower. But, it's fixed now, so all is good again. That first hot water shower... let me tell ya. It was divine! Have a good one1


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