Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Recently Read - Vol. 7 (April '16)

It's the second Tuesday of the month and you know what that means, don't ya? It's time to link up with Jana and Steph for their monthly Show Us Your Books linkup.  As I compose this, I'm a little shocked that I only read three books during the month of April. (Well, technically I read four, but I started one of them in March so I included it in last month's link up.) April was a busy month for me and that is definitely reflected in my reading.


Me Before You by Jojo Moyes
Read April 14-26

Someone, although I cannot remember who, described this book as a "slow burn" and that is exactly how I would describe it, too. Although highly predictable, I'm still glad I took the journey with Will and Lou. Me Before You is an incredibly poignant story with characters that seemed real and with whom I cared about over time.

There is a sequel and as of this writing, I'm not sure if I will read it or not. Let me say that my thoughts on that have nothing to do with Me Before You. Right now, I am okay with how Me Before You ended. I'm not sure if I want to continue this journey or not.
My rating: ★★★★★

My Sister's Grave by Robert Dugoni
Read April 26-30

This is the first book I've ever read by the author and I have to say that I was very pleased.

My Sister's Grave is the story of Seattle detective Tracy Crosswhite and her quest to seek the truth in the events of her sister's disappearance twenty years earlier. The story was interesting, the main characters likable, and the plot contained enough twists to keep me guessing. Although I did figure out some things, there were a few things I didn't. I like that.
My rating: ★★★★


Silver Bastard by Joanna Wylde
Read April 9-14

I’m ALWAYS hesitant to review MC romance books because they are not mainstream and are WAAAYYYY out of many readers’ comfort zones. But, I'm going to throw caution to the wind and review this one anyway. Why do I read them, you ask? Well, for pure escapism. I’m a good girl, always have been a good girl, and I’ve lead a predominately good girl life. By good girl, I mean that I tend to play by the rules most of the time and don't stray too far from the mainstream. That’s just how I roll. Reading MC romances allows me to take a walk on the wild side, so-to-speak, and live vicariously through the author’s words in a life that is very foreign from my own.

Overall, I liked this spinoff, although I didn’t like it well as I’ve liked the books from the main Reaper MC series. I liked the main characters, Puck and Becca, as well as the secondary characters. My feelings for Becca changed a bit, however, around 75% into the book. Basically, Becca is a young woman striving to overcome her past and her mother’s life choices. At one point, she lost her mind, allowing her past to define her instead of letting her present character and actions speak for themselves. She also allowed her mother’s transgressions to define her, which were not justified, and that just completely pissed me off.

I also had some issues with the author's choice of language. Some examples that completely worked my nerves were the author's overuse of having Becca say "Crappity, crap crap..." as well as "happy camper." Also, the endless rhetorical questions were annoying.

If you like MC romances, then you might want to give this one a whirl. It's not the best I've read, nor is it the worst. Be warned, however, the language used in this book is incredibly graphic and crass.
My rating: ★★★

All and all, April was a good month of reading, although I didn't read as many books as I normally do.  

What have you read recently?  Anything good?  Feel free to share below.

As aways, thanks for stopping by!


  1. I hate overuse of any phrases in books even if they don't bother me normally. Repetition = author laziness.

    I don't think you need to justify what you read, but if you did that would be a great justification. Isn't reading often about getting to experience something you never will in real life?

    I think I'll check out My Sister's Grave.

  2. Everyone is all over Me Before You. I've really got to read it.

    The Midwest Darling

    1. I really was hesitant about it, but I'm glad I took the plunge with it. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I need to start reading again. I used to read 2-3 books a month and now I am not reading at all. I use the excuse that I am too busy. You posts might just motivate me to get back into reading..

  4. After You left a lot to be desired, especially given how amazing Me Before You was.

    As far as the MC books, Sons of Anarchy is one of my all-time favorite shows and I just cannot bring myself to read these kinds of books. I feel like they would mar the memory of the show. Also I hate romance books. So there's that, too.

    1. I LOVED Sons of Anarchy. I was a latecomer to the SOA world, but caught up through the magic of Amazon Prime and Netflix. I think some MC romances are better than others. Overall, I've been pleased with those written by Joanna Wylde. Although there is an romantic element to these books, they're really not that "romantic" in terms of what's traditionally considered romantic, if you catch my drift... ;) Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Stopping by from the linkup! Me Before You has been on my TBR list for a long while. I'll get around to it eventually... My Sister's Grave sounds like it's right up my alley, especially since it's a series.

  6. I haven't read Me Before You yet but it gets such rave reviews. It's on my TBR and I am determined to read it before the movie comes out next month. I also like the sound of My Sister's Grave and adding it to my TBR. I'm like you - the "good" girl so I also enjoy reading books that are a bit on the wild side. Nothing to be ashamed about!

  7. My Sister's Grave sounds interesting and I am always down for a good mystery :)

  8. I actually really enjoyed the sequel to Me Before You, but I think it is completely different and in some ways, doesn't read as a sequel completely. A lot of others did not enjoy it though.

  9. I love Me Before You. I was somewhat okay with the ending, but wanted to know what life would be like after going through all of that. I didn't love After You, but it was a solid follow up.

  10. I still haven't read Me Before You, but I want to do it ASAP!

  11. I read Me Before You and wasn't a huge fan, but I think I was bothered by the predictableness. And I think the genre just wasn't for me, because I know lots of people enjoyed it.

    1. I was very hesitant to read it, b/c as you said it is a book that lots of people have enjoyed. I was pleased with it, despite its predictability. Thank you for taking the time to comment!

  12. As you know, Me Before You is definitely on my list, but I just need to read it sometime soon! My Sister's Grave sounds like another good read! I'm always in the mood for a good mystery!

    1. My Sister's Grave was good. In fact, I may check out the next one in the series. (I didn't know it was a series when I started it!)

  13. i loved me before you, and i didn't thin a sequel would be a good idea, because like you, i was okay with how it ended. i was sad, but it really couldn't have ended any other way. after you is good, but it's not good as a sequel, if that makes sense. it's almost its own book.
    what does mc romance mean exactly? not sure i will check that one out, i have an issue with super crass language.. i like romances as much (or more lol) than any other girl, but i just don't like certain words in books, they take me out of the book.

    1. MC stands for motorcycle club. MC romances are books in which the story centers two individuals and one of them is a member in a motorcycle club/gang. Much of what goes on the plot involves the lifestyle and activities of a motorcycle club (sometimes illegal, etc). These kinds of books are not for everyone. Although they fall in the romance genre, the "romance" that takes place in them is not similar to what you would find in a typical mainstream romance novel.

      I may read Me After You one day. Right now, I'm good though. Thanks for stopping by!

  14. A cousin of mine doesn't participate in the book challenges, but she's a member of my group...she recommended that I read Dugoni. That was before you selected Sister's Grave. I was interested to see what you thought of it, and now, I'm pretty sure I need to give it a look.

  15. Me Before You has been on my "To Read" list for what feels like forever. I'm kind of worried I won't love it as much as everyone else does because it's not really my usual type of book. However, I do think it's important to pick books that are out of my comfort zone now and then, so I'll definitely read it at some point.

    I don't think you need to justify what you read, but I understand being hesitant to review something that isn't overly mainstream. I have at least one book planned for Erin and Dani's challenge in June that I'm kind of like, "I don't know how I'll feel about reviewing this one ..." I obviously haven't read it yet, but, going by the reviews I've read, it's VERY dark. I love dark entertainment, but I don't know what to expect. Apparently it's real nightmare fuel, and I'm just wondering what I can possibly say about something like that on my blog. Haha.

  16. So random -- my parents are actually friends with Robert Dugoni's brother or cousin (I forget which). My dad's given me a couple of his books but I haven't read them yet.

  17. I liked My Sister's Grave a lot too. I could more or less guess what was coming, but for me, it didn't take away from the story at all. I was still turning pages like a man woman!

    1. Yes, I had figured out a big part of the puzzle long before it was revealed in the book. I still enjoyed it, though. Have a good one. Thanks for stopping by!

  18. I just finished a poetry anthology. I have one chapter left in Maigret Sets a Trap, by Georges Simenon.

    1. Hey, E Man! How have you been? Haven't seen or heard much from you since the completion of AtoZ. Hope you are doing well!

  19. I really loved Me Before You too. I will probably read the sequel because I'm curious although I do think it could have done without a sequel. The way MBY ended perfectly.

    1. I share the same sentiments. I love Me Before You, but I'm not so sure I want to know what happens next. Sure, I will admit that I am a bit curious, but I don't know if I am that curious. Time will tell. We'll see. Thanks for stopping by!

  20. I loved Me Before You (even gave it 6/5 stars) this past month! I have the sequel on my bookshelf but am not ready to emotionally move on from this book. And I LOVED My Sister's Grave. I gave it 5 stars. Why did it only get 4 stars from you? Will you read his next books? I've already read Her Final Breathe and pre-ordered the 3rd book the series. I NEVER do that.

    1. Sorry it has taken me so long to reply. Life's been... Well, you know how life can be. I have pondered your question regarding MSG. I didn't give My Sister's Grave 5/5 because it didn't blow me away. I enjoyed it, I considered it better than average, but it didn't have that additional UMPH that I require my 5/5s to have. A few years ago, before I really got in to reading, I probably would have given it a 5/5. Books that get a 5/5 from me have to totally blow my socks off, have me thinking about the characters or the plot a lot when I'm not reading/listening to the book, etc.

      I'm not sure if I will continue the series or not. I may eventually, but I don't have any plans to in the immediate future.

      Thank you for stopping by and for taking the time to comment! Have a good one!


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