Monday, September 28, 2015

10 Things That Made Me Happy This Week

Linking up with Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird and sharing the 10 Things That Made Me Happy This Week.
I'm having a rough school year so far, and mean rough.  Overall, it's like working in a pressure cooker and, honestly, it's not a happy place to be.  Don't get me wrong, I love working with my kiddos, but the atmosphere in the building is tense and the faculty morale is low.  When the chaos and negativity at work explodes and threatens to seep into and taint other areas of my life, I need something to help me keep things in perspective.  No matter how bad work may be,  there are still things to be thankful for, things that are fun, and things that make me happy. Here's my list from last week:

  1. My husband, who is thoughtful, kind, and indulges my whims from time to time without judgement.
  2. Giordano's, my FAVORITE Chicago style pizza, now has a location in Indianapolis, IN - which is only 2 short hours away!  We drove up to Indy on Saturday night (see #1) and it was sooooo good!
  3. My weekly Sunday phone chat with my mom who lives in WV.
  4. I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson.  It was a interesting and engaging read that I thoroughly enjoyed listening to last week.
  5. Sitting outside on the deck with my favorite four-legged buddy.
  6. The subtle change in the leaves and the air.  Autumn is here.
  7. Colorful mums.  I suck at maintaining them or even keeping them alive, but I love looking at other's mums.
  8. Breakfast Pizza Wednesdays at school.
  9. Understanding, loyal, and supportive friends who let me vent.
  10. Erin's (from Texerin-in-Sydneyland) blog entry on Hair Metal Bands from the 80s.  It was a fun read and brought back a lot of memories from the decade of decadence!
Happy Monday to you!  Hopefully the day and the week will treat us kindly. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Great to meet you, Ericka and thanks for linking up with Krysten. Happy to have you and feel free to link up with us whenever you'd like or when you can.

    We all need friends and significant others that let us vent our frustrations and thoughts. I'm in need of that weekly, to let it all go so I don't hang on to the garbage and BS for the entire weekend when I should be relaxing and enjoying my time AWAY from work.

    I hope you had a great weekend my friend. xo

    1. Good to meet, you! I did have a great weekend. Hope you did as well and have a great week!

  2. I was initially happy that you participated in this link-up. Then, I saw #10. I get all kinds of giddy from blogger shout-outs. Thank you so much!!

    I love that your husband was willing to drive 2 hours to score some of your favorite pizza. :)


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